Delvis Echeverria has earned a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Software Engineering focus on QA and Testing. ISTQB Certified Tester. He has been QA and Test Engineer for over 10 years on complex projects in the Health, Financial, Retail, IT and Academic industries, in the US and Latin America. He was teaching Software Engineering, Databases, and Software Testing as Instructor and Assistant Professor since 2007. He has also worked as Performance Test Instructor and Consultant for many companies and institutions in Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia and the US. Co-Author & Master Trainer – Performance Testing United Certification (PtU at Brightest). Delvis works in the QA team at FieldEdge as QA Engineer and Performance Test Engineer at SQAadvisory, both roles based in Florida, US.
Delvis Echeverria – QA Engineer & Performance Test Engineer, FieldEdge/SQAadvisory
Twitter: @delvisecheverri
Facebook: SQA Advisory
LinkedIn: Delvis Echeverria