
This track will help participants understand how they can fit traditional test practices into an Agile environment as well as explore real-world examples of testing projects and teams in varying degrees of Agile adoption.

Being More Agile Without Doing Agile

The most common request I get as a consultant these days is to help testers and teams transition to an Agile development process or to help testers be more effective in “agile-ish” environments. Interestingly, the core answer to these questions starts with “forget the process for a moment and focus on yourself and what you’re […]

Is it Testable? Asking Your Applications and Engineers Better Questions

Have you ever felt like you were working at cross purposes with an application you were developing and testing? Have you wished that there were easier ways to interact with your application? Do you struggle with the fact that efforts to automate your application under development yield less than satisfactory results? Perhaps you discover that […]

Agile, Lean and DevOps: How We Got Here

The quick and profound departure from long-used traditional development to rapid delivery may seem as if it came out of nowhere. But these are actually the natural progressions from Lean practices long used in manufacturing. Lean Software Development (LSD) ideas have taken over development but are still not widely known. Understanding how we got to […]

Discussions Testers Should No Longer Be Having

How many times have you heard statements like, “How did we miss this in test”, “This defect doesn’t happen on my machine”, “We do not need automation”, or “We are waiting on testing to give us the green light”? Many years ago, Stephen Covey made the statement “Nothing Fails Like Success”. He spoke on how […]