When it comes to a successful QA organization, great QA teams STILL start with great people. But building great teams (and keeping them together) is tough, given how hot the market is for the best QA talent! Turnover in IT is rampant, and with dozens of QA roles available to a strong professional, competition for talent is fierce.
Join Kirk Walton for this three-hour workshop as we focus on three critical activities for any Technology Leader: building a great team, attracting talented members to join, and once you’ve built that team, how to retain them.
In the first hour, we’ll focus on tools you can use to assess your current team, and strategies to create a gameplan on how to fill any gaps you may have.
In the second hour, we’ll focus on how to attract the talent you need to build the best teams possible. This will include mock interviews and how to sell prospective candidates on why your team is their best option.
Finally, in our third hour we’ll focus on retaining your high-performing team by creating an amazing employment experience that they will never want to leave.
Workshop Takeaways: