Michael Larsen STPCon Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen is a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer with Socialtext/PeopleFluent. Over the past three decades, he has been involved in software testing for a range of products and industries, including network routers & switches, virtual machines, capacitance touch devices, video games, and client/server, distributed database & web applications.

Michael is a Black Belt in the Miagi-Do School of Software Testing, helped start and facilitate the Americas chapter of Weekend Testing, is a former Chair of the Education Special Interest Group with the Association for Software Testing (AST), a lead instructor of the Black Box Software Testing courses through AST, and former Board Member and President of AST.

Michael writes the TESTHEAD blog and can be found on Twitter at @mkltesthead. A list of books, articles, papers, and presentations can be found on Michael’s LinkedIn page.

Speaker Details:

Michael Larsen – Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, SocialText/PeopleFluent
Twitter: @mkltesthead
Facebook: Michael Larsen
LinkedIn: Michael Larsen
Website: mkltesthead.com
Past Events: STPCon

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