
Workshop: Visual Validation for Test Automation

Functional test automation is a wonderful way to frequently and expeditiously execute regression testing. However, the test scripts that we write are limited to the few assertions we’ve considered. Many times, these assertions only cover the tip of the iceberg and account for a small fraction of what a human being would have subconsciously verified. […]

Workshop: DevDroneOps

What can we learn from drones that we can apply to our testing practices to help in DevOps cultures? Join Paul Merrill for a fun-filled flight into the world of DevOps and Continuous Testing. Learn the keys to Test Automation, a critical component of DevOps. Learn principles of test automation through team challenges with drones […]

Workshop: Test This! Exploratory Testing in Action with Robots

STP Radio Episode Posted 2/21/20 Listen to “Nancy Kelln on Risk-Based Test Reporting and Robots” Testers understand the value that Exploratory Testing (ET) provides, even if it isn’t a formalized part of the project, testers do some degree of ET. However, I often hear that teams struggle to implement ET. In this hands-on workshop we […]

Workshop: The Big Deal on Modern Test Plans

Test plans have a bad reputation. There’s no beating around the bush. And perhaps they are deserving of a bad reputation. But software development has changed. We are Agile now! Test plans need to change as well. Do we need them at all? Perhaps not. If you do need a test plan, it needs to […]

Workshop: Implementing Efficiencies within your SDLC

Imagine if you could add more time to your delivery schedule, where would you spend it? Although we can’t add more hours to our day, we can find time by discovering inefficiencies in our current SDLC management approach. Many of us feel like there is never enough time to complete everything we wanted in a […]